Operation Round up is a program funded by and from the McLean Electric Cooperatives Members who voluntarily "round up" their monthly electric bills to the next dollar. Those living within the boundaries of the MEC service territory are eligible recipients of the funds generated from the program. The funds go to individuals or families in times of need or worthy projects in our service area that are either not funded or under-funded. To apply for a donation please complete an APPLICATION.
Applications are due by April 30 and September 30 of each year.
Guidelines for funding application from "Operation RoundUp"
- Funds shall be disbursed in the general service area of MEC solely for charitable, education, scientific, health or safety purposes.
- Organizations must be exempt from Federal Income Taxation under 501(a) of the Internal Revenue code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Code as a corporation described in 501(c)(3) of the Code.
- No funds of the TRUST shall in any fashion be used to support any candidate for political office or for any political purpose.
- Not more than $2500 will be given annually to any family unit, group, organization, charity, or like organization. Annual individual medical expense grants will not exceed $2,500 and have a lifetime maximum of $5,000. Funding of other agencies annual operating budgets and funding of school trips are not eligible for a grant from this trust.
- The Board will not meet less than semiannually to evaluate applications.
- One of the TRUST activities will be tied to the Annual Membership Meeting each June.
- The Board reserves the right to carry over applications to a later meeting depending on fund availability and other factors.
- The Board will disperse funds equitably throughout the MEC service area as practical.
Call a Operation Roundup Board member listed below or the MEC office at 1-800-263-4922 if you have questions.
Mark Jennings | President | 701-471-2917 |
Deborah Boe | Vice President | 701-448-2402 |
Carla Landenberger | Sec.-Treasurer | 701-391-2641 |
Lena Volochenko | Director | 701-626-7315 |
Steve Haakenson | Director | 701-743-4532 |
Darci Behles | Director | 701-897-1587 |
Shelly Schumacher | Director | 701-220-8398 |